Our SeneStory
October 2016 ~ I remember when it all began, I finally convinced myself to purchase my very first Starter Kit at $55 ~ biting my tongue and saying how expensive that was for a lip color [Bella], it better stay put all day! Well, turns out it did [and more]...almost 3 years later, I am still here using not only our premier lip product, LipSense but also fell in love with our entire SeneDerm skin care system as well. This coming from someone who used Carmex and lipliner and called that "makeup" ok - I was THAT GIRL! I did not have a single clue about lashes, eyeshadow, highlighting, contouring and basicallly #allthethings in this makeup world -- boy, oh boy have I come a long ways from my makeup newbie days! #startedfromthebottomnowwehere
Fast forward 'til 2019...the past three years we've surpassed milestones that never in my wildest dreams I would ever imagine achieving with a company. This business opportunity that started out as "sharing a product" simply because I took the excitement and "ran with it" surprised the heck outta me! Did I know anything about running a business when I first started? Nope! Did I know what an MLM was? Absolutely not! I had no idea this was even one even after I signed up, haha!! #ignoranceonfire I tell you! That excitement and ignorance has earned me residual income as well as multiple trips to Oklahoma, Costa Mesa, Costa Rica, Santa Barbara, Mexico and DisneyWorld in Orlando just to name a few. If anyone knew me, they would know I have quite the LOVE for traveling and being in this business has allowed me to do just that! These days, I share our products with everyone I meet as I travel and explore the world offering the choice aka [SeneChoice] for women to use our products. We're happy to take care of you as a customer, [we love our customers, read our Testimonials to hear from a few], partner up with those who want to run their own businesses and turn this opportunity into a part time or full time career for them - - - whatever your choice is, we welcome *YOU* into our TEAM and will help you every step of the way!
Who knew a lip color would lead to THIS? The bonds I'm building along the way in this industry where women build each other up makes me so proud. We call it #senesisterhood - I would not give up the spirit of this senesisterhood for the world! That initial $55 was the best investment I've ever made to "try" a new product which has led me to some of the most amazing SeneBosses ever!! SeneGence has opened doors for many new opportunities for us all. Whether you choose to continue to be a customer or would like to join us in this journey and become one of our SeneSisters in business, we greatly THANK YOU for your support and hope we've inspired you in one way or another to chase your dreams, reach for your version of MORE whatever it may be and BELIEVE in yourself and you will achieve great things!
Carol Leon Guerrero
Ruby Crown Princess, SeneGence International
Independent Distributor #221882